making holiday happiness last year round| ep 20

I try my best to stay in my own lane, but as someone who has the purpose to positively impact others, I cannot keep quiet about this. Stop letting your happiness last over a holiday! If your joy depends on a PSL or holiday decor, we have some work to do.

I've noticed a pattern - we tend to save our joy for specific times of the year, but why should our happiness be seasonal? This episode is all about cultivating joy by engaging in activities that infuse positive energy into our lives, spending time with people who uplift us, and embracing challenges that lead to happiness!

In this episode of Mindset Mic, I share with you my main tips for making holiday happiness last year-round. I want your days to be filled with as much joy and smiles as you feel and see over the holidays. My goal is to empower you to create long-lasting change in your life and I hope this short episode helps you get one step closer to it.

I believe in you 🫶,

Claudia Ramirez


Copy my 4-step NYE plan| ep 21


My Favorite Mindset + Life Exercise| ep 19