My Favorite Mindset + Life Exercise| ep 19

Ready to conquer your mind and become the leader of your life? Buckle up for a thrilling journey where we unlock the incredible power of my most effective exercise for my mind and life! This is about challenging yourself, pushing through discomfort, and learning resilience.

I break down the mental battle and how to overcome mental hurdles. This will be ideal for you if you are ready to give your mindset and lifestyle a spin. Let’s talk about how running plays a key role in your personal development and overall accomplishments and how you can start implementing it today!

In this episode of Mindset Mic, I share what has shaped me and continues teaching me as I grow wiser in life. My goal is to give you a tool that will bring joy, help you destress, improve your habits, conquer your mind, and help you get on the path that you have been dreaming about.

I believe in you 🫶,

Claudia Ramirez


making holiday happiness last year round| ep 20


why you’re not succeeding..and how to fix it| ep 18