Overcoming Doubters and Non-Believers | eP 9

When it comes to serving in the way that I do, I like giving more than I take. However, I want to ask you for one favor— SHARE THIS EPISODE with an athlete, leader, entrepreneur, or someone who is doing something big and could face doubters or non-believers. I ask for that because, in various stages of my journey, I could have used an episode like this one.

On episode 9 of Mindset Mic Podcast, I will share guidance for your specific circumstance when dealing with someone who doesn’t support your journey, how to develop self-belief or confidence, and a mindset that will support you moving forward.

My goal with this episode is to give you back your power and courage. Your journey does not have to be lonely, but you do have to learn (or be reminded of) how to deal with adversity in the various ways it can be presented. This episode— other people.

I believe in you 🫶

Claudia Ramirez


How being a minority impacts your mindset| eP 10!


Navigate Experiences When You're Moving Upstream| eP 8