Unveiling meaning and Purpose in career & life | eP 4

Having purpose is something that can often feel far-fetched when we are living in the reality of the day-to-day. However, there is magic within us and it’s important to explore that and allow ourselves to make a big impact, in a very unique way.

On episode 4 of Mindset Mic Podcast, we talk about what purpose can look like in your life in the short-term and long-term, how to explore your passions to feel aligned with your purpose, ways to overcome mental challenges and negative beliefs, and how to pursue it starting where you are now.

My goal with this episode is to support you to believe and have full certainty that you were created for a very special reason that goes beyond yourself. You matter and can make a difference in our world.

I believe in you 🫶

Claudia Ramirez


What is Mindset & Becoming the optimal leader of your life| eP 5


The speed of manifestation | eP 3