mindset for overcoming obstacles

Have you ever wished obstacles to reach a new goal or milestone weren't in the way? Maybe to have more confidence, follow through with your fitness plans, or have the courage and commitment to make that big dream happen? In personal growth, turning obstacles into opportunities is key, and I will show you how to do just that!

As a mindset coach (and human), I see the importance of self-awareness and resilience in your next journey. What I recognize is that your mind seeks to keep you alive and even bring you comfort through what is familiar, so it makes it challenging to step beyond that if you are not intentional or have trained it to do so. Okay now, how do we make that shift?

I guide you through the details in “Mindset for Overcoming Obstacles” (Mindset Mic EP 27), but will share this—

Have an honest conversation with yourself to acknowledge where you are, where you seek to go, and what you believe is holding you back. Any patterns you recognize? Based on that, you can change the way you perceive certain experiences and replace them with some that will support you in the long run.

I am currently Entering a new life chapter in New York City, this all comes with excitement and a few challenges. However, I have taken time to reflect on the last five years— what these have looked like, what I accomplished, what I forgot I wanted to strive for, where I held back, where the universe had something better for me, where I can improve… and I have come to realize that it all ties into personal growth.

If the Universe is going to have wonderful experiences ahead, why limit it and deny those opportunities with a poor mindset? Nope, not here! Let’s take care of it once and for all. I hope that you let me guide you to build a mindset of success and provide a perspective that helps you plant the right seeds into the right soil.

Remember— Each step reinforces belief in our limitless potential.

I believe in you 🫶,

Claudia Ramirez


Practical tips to visualize your success